Busy Week, No Progress

As much as I hate having nothing to update, there's nothing to update.  This week was full of work towards polishing up my portfolio and redesigning my website so hopefully I can get work.  It's nearly done and I'll be returning to work on Etoys Club ASAP, likely this week.  I miss working on it.  I likely would have kept working on this week, but after staring at Javascript and HTML/CSS, the last thing I want to do to relax is more coding, even if it is a much simplified (and far more powerful) language to work with.  Honestly, I have no idea how HTML/CSS/Javascript became a standard when it's the most inefficient and incoherent method for making something on a computer I've ever experienced.  The original intent of webpage languages was that it was supposed to be easy so that a lot of people can use it without much difficulty.  Basically, it's intent is the exact opposite of what modern webpage languages are.  

Funnily enough, Etoys/Smalltalk could technically replace the browser without much difficulty and can do far more than your typical web-browser.  I guess that's the irony of history playing out with people unaware of the extent of their field and the works of others before them...I also enjoy HyperCard, another "could replace the browser and can do more" system which also is essentially invisible to everyone these days.  I get the feeling that people think if something is too easy, it's not high tech enough.  I say the opposite is true: high tech to me is simplicity and power rolled into one.  Complexity is just drawing extra unnecessary details on an image, adding extra steps to get roughly the same end product.  At some point, the details just turn into noise making it difficult to figure out exactly what the drawing is supposed to be.  I think the best way to describe it is to look at images of AI trying to find images in another image...the result is interesting looking, if sometimes a little disturbing and disgusting, but it completely destroys the original image and the original image's simplicity to communicate effectively.  That's basically HTML/CSS/Javacript triforce of evil for me.  I feel sorry for everyone that is forced to use these tools for their job...and I might be joining the ranks and will likely feel sorry for myself as well.  :p  But I guess maybe that's why it pays; it's so repulsive you have to offer money for people to even use it.

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